On Home Schooling

My wish is to be able to support any family with their wish to home school their children. For most of us, homeschooling is more than a choice of education, it is a way of life. Whether you are unschooling or homeschooling your children, if you have any need for support don’t hesitate to contact me.
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Homeschooling Workshops

On a weekly basis during regular QLD school terms, I provide workshops for home school children and teenagers.
The aim of each workshop is to develop clarity and kindness so that students become more active, informed, caring and wise human beings.
Elligibility: 10 years old minimum + basic knowledge of writing and reading
Fees: AU$75 per workshop per student (contact me for family discount)
Workshops are created around 3 main bases: the curriculum (what do we learn), the pedagogy (how do we learn it) and assessments (how can we make sure we are learning it well).
Sir Ken Robinson on the 3 elements of education

Main component: Clarity and Kindness.
Secondary component: Physical, Mental and Social Health topics.
Tertiary components: Australian Curriculum content from Mathematics, English, Science and Health Education.

Three main strategies of teachings used:
Collaborative Learning
Inquiry / Project Based Learning
Game sense and experiential Learning

Three main component of assessment:
Assessment Task: the main aim of the workshop.
Assessment rubric: how to check if we are on track
Assessment process: how do we go from A to Z in our learning.
Educational Consultation – Curriculum Design and more

Book in a session in which we can discuss your options in terms of schooling and home schooling. Here are the services I can offer in collaboration with you:
- prepare home schooling application
- design curriculum plan
- find the clarity you need to decide on the best education for your children
- design and offer resources/support for specific learning goals
- prepare end of year report
Fees: First consultation is free (one hour). Then a flat fee of AU$65 per hour.
Please contact me to book an appointment for any of the above.

If you or your children needs to additional help on their schooling please book a tutoring session (available Saturdays only). Fees are AU$65 per hour.
I offer tutoring in:
- Mathematics (year 1-10)
- Sciences (Year 1-10)
- HPE (year 1-10)
- Your own Learning project