3 simple steps:

Sir Ken Robinson on the 3 elements of education


Let’s meet either face to face or online and get to know each other and what you (yourself or your child) are curious about, what is your project, your passion, your questioning and/or simply what you need to learn (eg. School Curriculum). Together we can use some tailored tools to help us discover what really matters for you right now. Contact me now to meet-up.


If you are happy with the discoveries we make together, we can work together in making what you need to learn easier to understand, easier to access, easier to grasp and more engaging to apply. We will use various approaches such as Project Based Learning, Inquiry Learning or Personalised learning to make sure you have learnt all you want and need. Contact me now to meet-up.


When your learning is becoming more structured, clearer and you feel comfortable with the direction you are taking, it is time to live it. Even though it might be time for you to be self-directed, if you need to, I am still here to help you implement what you have learnt in your daily life. Contact me now to meet-up.

Next cycle

After your learning has been integrated in your life, perhaps you feel a new discovery needs to be made or new clarification needs to take place. If you have been satisfied with your first cycle of learning, I would be delighted to continue to work with you on you next adventure. Contact me now to reconnect.

DISCOVER – First meet up (generally one hour)Free
DISCOVER – QuoteFree
CLARIFY – teaching ratesAU$60/hour
CLARIFY – crafting and check-ins ratesAU$50/hour
LIVE – conversations and adviceAU$40/meet up

Learning Survey…

Do you have 5 minutes to spare? I am always interested to learn about what makes you thrive and what education is for you in order to continuously improve my services.

If so, would you mind answering these 2 questions please?

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